
Closing the loop on packaging

Tim Hortons serves over 5 million coffees every day - it's on us to help you close the loop


Oscar Sort

a new way to recycle

Intuitive AI and Tim Hortons are excited to collaborate in order to bring a better and more engaging way to close the loop.




Your small decision at the bin matters.


3 seconds at the bin help empower a zero waste world.


Oscar only understands & identifies waste.


Pilot timeline


Phase 1.


During this calibration phase - Oscar is being setup and it is learning on how to best nudge you.


Phase 2.


Oscar will now help you recycle when you show your Tim Hortons packaging in all participating stores across Canada.


Phase 3.


We're working with Intuitive AI on very exciting integrations. Our goal is to allow guests to experience these integrations during this phase.

Want to stay connected during the pilot?

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From the latest trash items Oscar is learning to easter eggs. You'll get it all on our pilot newsletter.

Oh and if you're posting - don't forget to use: #TimsXOscar4Good


Let us know - we're here to listen and answer any questions you might have.